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The golden, yellow root of this beneficial herb gives it its name. It has antibiotic properties stronger than many prescription medicines and is able to target "unwanted" bacteria, as well as protozoa and yeasts. Unique in that it does not harm the "beneficial" bacteria that are necessary for the digestive tract. By many herbalists, it is considered one of the most powerful herbs. This has been substituted for quinine.

It is one of the most effective remedies for inflamed and catarrhal conditions of the mucus membranes. Goldenseal has the ability to heal mucus membranes anywhere in the body (bronchial tubes, throat, intestines, stomach, etc.). It can be used as an enema. When used with Skullcap and Hops, it is good for the spinal nerves. Goldenseal has been used to heal newborns’ umbilical cords, as a gargle for sore throat, as a mouthwash for pyorrhea, and snuffed up the nose for nasal catarrh. 
CAUTION: Consult your doctor before use. Do not use if pregnant. If a person has high blood pressure, watch for the highs and lows and if they occur, then substitute Myrrh for Goldenseal. Recently put on FDA’s list as an herb that should not be ingested internally.
This herb has been used for the following:

  • skin diseases

  • yeast infection

  • bruises and wounds

  • stopping bleeding

  • mouth sores

  • candida

  • parasites

  • UTI

  • gastritis

  • tonsillitis

  • spinal meningitis

  • sinus issues

  • + much more

Made with love and the highest quality ingredients possible, including ionized water and 30 percent alcohol. I include an information sheet telling about the herb and any drug interactions.

    Goldenseal Root Single Herb Tincture

    • Goldenseal Root (Hydrastis canadensis), grain alcohol, ionized water.

    • CAUTION: Consult your doctor before use. Do not use if pregnant. If a person has high blood pressure, watch for the highs and lows and if they occur, then substitute Myrrh for Goldenseal. Recently put on FDA’s list as an herb that should not be ingested internally.

      Keep out of reach of children. FDA has not evaluated this product.

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