Womans Support Formula Herb Tincture
This is a formula for those that are going through the-change- of-life. It will help with the hot flashes and other symptoms associated with menopause. I really appreciated this formula when I was perimenopausal because it effectively controlled the excess bleeding I was having.
Ingredients: Black Cohosh, Ginseng, Squaw Vine, Dong Quai, Licorice, False Unicorn, Blessed Thistle, Raspberry, Chaste Tree, Ionized water, 30% alcohol.
Botanical name: Cimicifuga racemosa
Origin: USA/China
Therapeutic actions: Alterative; Antidote; Anti-inflammatory; Anti-rheumatic; Antispasmodic; Astringent; Birthing aid; Cardiotonic; Diaphoretic; Diuretic; Emmenagogue; Expectorant; Hypnotic; Hypoglycemic; Sedative; Tonic; Vasodilator.
Nutrients: Calcium, chromium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc, Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and K.
Drug interactions: No known drug interactions.
Description: Black Cohosh is a specific for menopausal symptoms and a restorative for the nervous and cardiovascular system and lungs. Studies have shown that Black Cohosh is similar to the drugs used in hormone replacement therapy.
Internal uses: It has helped regulate blood pressure, cholesterol, tinnitus, and been useful in childbirth. Traditionally important in the treatment of women's complaints. It promotes menstruation and when used in conjunction with St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum), it is 78% effective in treating hot flashes and other menopausal problems.
Botanical name: Carbenia benedicta, Cnicus benedicta
Origin: Croatia/USA
Therapeutic actions: Alterative; Anthelmintic; Anti-pyretic; Aperitive; Astringent; Anti-periodic; Bitter; Cholagogue; Contraceptive; Carminative; Diaphoretic; Diuretic; Emetic; Emmenagogue; Febrifuge; Galactogogue; Hormonal; Intoxicant; Nervine; Stimulant; Stomachic; Tonic; Vermifuge.
Nutrients: Calcium, essential fatty acids, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and C.
Drug interactions: No known drug interactions.
Description: Blessed thistle is believed to have great power in the purification and circulation of the blood. It is a specific for women in that it has been able to balance the hormones.
Internal uses: It is such a good blood purifier that drinking a cup of thistle tea twice a day will cure chronic headaches. It has also been used for stomach and digestive problems, gas in the intestines, constipation, gallbladder and liver troubles. It has been very effective for dropsy, heart, lungs and kidneys. It is claimed that the warm tea given to mothers will produce a good supply of milk. Good tonic for girls that are premenstrual. It has also been found that it helps in treating cancer as well as infections, fevers, aids with cramping, internal parasites and worms. Other uses: calcium deposits, cancer, depression, fevers, headaches, hysteria and memory problems. Blessed Thistle is not recommended for internal use by the FDA as of 2008.
Botanical name: Vitex Agnus castus
Origin: Morocco
AKA Vitex
Therapeutic actions: Anaphrodisiac; Aphrodisiac; Diaphoretic; Diuretic; Febrifuge; Galactogogue; Infertility; Ophthalmic; Sedative; Stomachic.
Drug interactions: No known drug interactions.
Description: Well known for its balancing effects to the female reproductive system.
Internal uses: It has been used to stimulate milk flow, regulate the menstrual cycle, PMS and menopausal symptoms.
Botanical name: Angelica sinensis
Origin: China
Therapeutic actions: Alterative; Analgesic; Anti-cholesterolemic; Anti-inflammatory; Antispasmodic; Diuretic; Deobstruent; Emmenagogue; Emollient; Hepatic; Laxative; Sedative; Vasodilator.
Nutrients: Calcium, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B12 and C.
Drug interactions: Interacts with Heparin, Ticlopidine and Warfarin.
Description: Dong Quai is second only to ginseng. It is a blood tonic for women and a digestive stimulant. It has been shown to assist the body in efficiently using hormones.
Internal: It has been used in the treatment of pernicious anemia because of its high B12 content. It has been used for menstrual cramping, irregularity, delayed flow, period pain and weakness during menstruation. It has also been used for creating a healthy pregnancy and ease of delivery as well as for hot flashes associated with menopause. It is beneficial for dissolving blood clots, loosening tight muscles, increasing circulation, stopping internal bleeding, allaying nervousness, and moistening the intestines to help with constipation. It protects the liver. It has an anti-bacterial action, inhibiting the growth of various bacteria including Bacillus dysenteriae, Bacillus typhi, B. comma, B. cholerae and hemolytic streptococci. It is also used as a blood purifier, prolapsed uterus and for headaches.
Botanical name: Chamaelirium luteum
Origin: USA
Therapeutic actions: Adaptogen; Anthelmintic; Diuretic; Emetic; Sialagogue; Tonic; Uterine tonic; Vermifuge.
Nutrients: Calcium, potassium, zinc and vitamin C.
Drug interactions: No known drug interactions.
Description: This herb is an excellent overall tonic. Most common use is for the treatment of female sterility.
Internal uses: It has been used to strengthen and balance the male and female reproductive system. It has helped to prevent miscarriage, amenorrhea, painful and irregular menstruations, leucorrhea, morning sickness (taken in small amounts), menopausal difficulties associated with uterine disorders, prolapsed uterus, headaches and depression. It has been beneficial for the mucus membranes and for the sensitive stomach. It has also helped to eliminate tapeworms.
Botanical name: Panax quinquefolium
Origin: USA
Therapeutic actions: Adaptogen; Anti-inflammatory; Demulcent; Hypoglycemic; Tonic; Stimulant; Vasodilator.
Nutrients: Calcium, choline, copper, fiber, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, C, E and G.
Drug interactions: May interact with Warfarin.
Description: There are many grades and varieties of Ginseng available. In China it is used as a preventative and is considered to be the "King of all Tonics." Increases synthesis of nuclear RNA.
Internal uses: It provides stimulation to the entire body for stress, fatigue, weakness and deficiencies. It stimulates and improves the brain cells and is especially stimulating for mental fatigue. Ginseng works with the heart and blood, providing nourishment and circulation. It has been used for diabetes, anemia, normalizing blood pressure, reducing cholesterol and preventing atherosclerosis. By some it is considered to be a panacea and said to slow down the aging process. Useful in hormonal imbalance.
Botanical name: Glycyrrhiza glabra
Origin: Egypt/China
Therapeutic actions: Demulcent; Expectorant; Emollient; Pectoral; Aperient; Stimulant; Sialagogue.
Nutrients: Biotin, calcium, choline, iron, lecithin, magnesium, manganese, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E.
Drug interactions: Interacts with Digoxin, loop diuretics, Thiazide diuretics. Supports those taking Aspirin, Etodolac, Ibuprofen, Interferon, Isoniazid, Nabumetone, Naproxen and topical corticosteroids.
Description: This herb is one of the favorites in Chinese herbal medicine. It has general effects on the whole body.
Internal uses: Its stimulating action helps to counteract stress, supplies energy to the body, making it especially useful for those recovering from illness. Contains substances similar to the adrenal cortical hormones and has an estrogenic effect; therefore, it is an important herb for treating adrenal insufficiency, other glandular problems and female disorders. Its demulcent qualities are useful with inflammation of the intestines and with ulcers. Other uses: adrenal exhaustion, age spots, energy, female complaints, hypoglycemia, to increase effectiveness of adrenal hormone glucocorticoids in liver.
Botanical name: Rubus idaeus
Origin: Bulgaria/Germany
Therapeutic actions: Anti-inflammatory; Astringent; Antiemetic; Antiseptic; Alterative; Antiabortive; Antigonorrheal, Antileucorrheal, Antimalarial; Birthing aid; Cardiac; Cathartic; Decongestant; Hemostatic; Oxytoxic; Parturient; Stimulant; Stomachic; Tonic.
Nutrients: Calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E.
Drug Interactions: Interacts with Acetaminophen with Codeine, Atropine, Cardec DM, Dodeine, Ephedrine and Pseudoephedrine, Lomotil/Lonex, Theophylline/Aminophylline.
Description: Raspberry leaf has an affinity for the female reproductive system.
Internal uses: It has been especially beneficial for pregnant women as it tones the uterine and pelvic muscles, preparing for an easier labor as well as for the prevention of miscarriage. It has also helps to increase the flow of the mother's milk. Its aid extends to the menstruating woman as it helps to bring balance into the menstrual cycle and will help alleviate excessive bleeding.
Botanical name: Mitchella repens
Origin: USA
Therapeutic actions: Astringent; Alterative; Diuretic; Emmenagogue; Hypnotic; Oxytoxic; Parturient; Sedative; Tonic.
Description: This herb is often used for both menstruating and pregnant women. The Native Americans used it in the last few weeks of pregnancy to prepare for childbirth. Squaw Vine has been used for menstrual irregularities (amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and menorrhagia) and for vaginal discharge (antiseptic properties for vaginal infections). Tones both the uterus and ovaries and helps to relieve congestion.