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Coix seed, (Yi Yi) also known as pearl barley, Job’s tears, or Chinese pearl barley, is a food and medicine used in Asian countries. The crop is also known by other common names in English, such as adlay or adlay millet.


Coix seed has been helpful are fighting certain kinds of pathogenic bacteria that cause menigitis and pneumonia, storage of platelets and white blood cells, recycles old red blood cells and acts as a filter for blood as part of the immune system.

Made with love and the highest quality ingredients possible, including ionized water and 30 percent alcohol. I include an information sheet telling about the herb and any drug interactions.

    Coix Seed Single Herb Tincture

    • Coix Seed (Coix lacryma-jobi), grain alcohol, ionized water.

    • CAUTION: May interact with medications. Consult your doctor before using.
      Keep out of reach of children. FDA has not evaluated this product.

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