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This nutritive remedy has cell-proliferant and wound-healing properties from allantoin, which speeds the healing process. It also acts on the bladder, kidney, and small intestine. It helps to reduce blood sugar levels and so is used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, cystitis, gonorrhea, and gout. And to promote the flow of bile.

It has also been very beneficial to the urinary tract for infections and other kidney and bladder problems. It has been used to control bleeding during childbirth. It has been helpful for children with bedwetting difficulties. It is widely used in the treatment of cancer, tumors, and warts.

Other ways this herb has been used:

  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • edema
  • obesity
  • premenstrual syndrome
  • prostate disorders
  • ulcers
  • rheumatism
  • + more

Made with love and the highest quality ingredients possible, including ionized water and 30 percent alcohol. I include an information sheet telling about the herb and any drug interactions.

Corn Silk Single Herb Tincture

  • Corn Silk (Zea mays), grain alcohol, ionized water.

  • Keep out of reach of children. FDA has not evaluated this product.

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